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Project Keep Me

No one should have to sacrifice the security and love provided by their pets due to domestic violence

Project Keep Me is a groundbreaking pilot program aimed at addressing the critical need for companion pet shelter resources for survivors of domestic violence. Through this program, Second Chance will provide temporary housing for the beloved pets of domestic violence survivors, enabling pet owners to seek safe housing arrangements while ensuring the well-being of their animal companions.

The unfortunate reality in our area is that emergency housing resources for survivors of domestic violence often cannot accommodate their companion animal. As a result, many victims find themselves trapped in dangerous living situations, afraid to leave their pets behind. Recognizing this pressing issue, Second Chance has developed Project Keep Me as a compassionate solution to help break this cycle of fear and abuse.

What is Project Keep Me?

Project Keep Me will offer a safe haven for pets, including shelter, food, and medical care if needed, during the transitional period when their owners are seeking temporary safe housing arrangements. By alleviating the distressing choice between personal safety and the well-being of their cherished pets, this program aims to empower survivors to prioritize their own safety without compromising the welfare of their furry companions.

Through Project Keep Me, Second Chance Animal Services strives to create an environment where survivors can confidently seek assistance knowing that their pets will be sheltered and cared for, giving them the freedom to pursue the safety and support they deserve.

How Does It Work?

Project Keep Me will offer temporary boarding and care, lasting up to 90 days, for pets whose owners are seeking support from domestic violence assistance programs. Upon successful transition to safe, permanent housing, survivors will be joyfully reunited with their pets. The emotional and psychological benefits of this reunion cannot be overstated. The presence of a beloved animal companion has been proven to enhance healing and recovery for individuals who have experienced trauma.

At this time, Project Keep Me is being offered on a limited basis as we establish relationships with local domestic violence resource providers who ensure pet owners have the support they need. We are unable to take in aggressive animals, and we have limited space at this time, but we are committed to helping as many as we can. 

How Can I Help?

We have already assisted several pet owners, but we are seeking additional funding so we can help more as the need arises. Second Chance Animal Services invites the community, businesses, and philanthropic partners to support Project Keep Me through donations. 

Together, we can make a meaningful impact in the lives of domestic violence survivors and their pets, providing hope and safety when it is needed most.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or abuse, there is help.  Call SafeLink, a 24/7 Crisis Hotline at (877) 785-2020, (877) 521-2601 (TTY) or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 24/7 Crisis Hotline: (800) 799-7233.
Are you a domestic violence resource provider looking for more information or with a client in need of Project Keep Me services? 

Please use this form to connect with us.