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Memorials & Tributes

Memorials & Tributes

Flowers will fade over time, but a gift to Second Chance Animal Services will carry forward a legacy of compassion for animals.
Make a Memorial or tribute gift
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Learn more about planned giving

For Donations in Lieu of Flowers:

Animals can greatly and positively affect the lives of people they touch. If you have lost a loved one and wish to make arrangements for donations in their memory to Second Chance, please provide us with the name and address of the family member who should receive the list of donors. Second Chance will send each donor a thank you card for the donation. In addition, we will send the family a list of donations received in the loved one’s name. It usually takes a few weeks to get in all the donations. All donations are tax deductible.

Contact development@secondchanceanimals.org or call 774-318-1101 x-113.


Thank you to all who choose to honor a loved one or beloved pet with a tribute donation.  

Make a Tribute Donation

In Memory of Mary Bellizzi
In Memory of Carl Wicklund from Leicester Rod & Gun Club Inc.
In Memory of Donna Graveline from Amanda Graveline
In Honor of Otto from Paul Alger
In Memory of Virginia Meinsma from Marcia Meinsma-Avigne
In Memory of Barney from Joyce & Robert Gerulaitis
On Behalf of Dianna Martell from Dianna
In Memory of Boozy Jones from Theresa Breguet
In Memory of Lisunka M. Nikkal from Yaron Shragai
In Name of Theresa P. Clancey from Matthew Wally
In Memory of Jason Becker from Hannah Broughton
On Behalf of Annie Roddy from Kathryn Roddy
In Memory of Virginia Chew from Cynthia & Paul Schiavone
In Memory of Mark W Coulter from Laurie Sault
In Behalf of Theresa Clancey from Barbara A Mitchell
In Memory of Carl Wicklund from Cecile & Robert Phaneuf
In Memory of Buddy from Rob Daniels
In Honor of Theodora Garcia from Rachel Alva
In Memory of Dan Cleary from Ariana Faria
In Honor of Debra Shigley from Erich Shigley
In Memory of Lacy Payson from Lauren Devine
On Behalf of Monica Linder from Richard Cehon, Jr
In Honor of Angel from Kevin stedman
In Honor of John Halperin from Dianne Malabanan
In Memory of Zachary Silva from Debra Silva
On Behalf of Susan Culver from Pamela Lingel
On Behalf of Site Management from Kevin Daoust
In Memory of Florence Dorey from Laurie & Richard Michaels
In Memory of Florence Dorey from Alicia Puliafico Groccia
In Memory of Florence Dorey from Janet & Joseph Polaski
In Memory of Gary Whitney from Darlene & Kevin Boligan
In Memory of Florence Dorey from Patricia & David Arcese
On Behalf of Joann from Jennifer Bastien
On Behalf of Sam, Nick,Ashley &Chris from Patricia Jepson
In Memory of Carl Wicklund from Mary DeLeon
In Memory of Lynn Hornyak from Sheila Vandenbush
In Memory of Linda Soltys from Susan Fink
In Memory of Daniel Patrick Cleary from Jennifer Cleary
In Memory of Bonnie Tatro from Francis & Jean Benoit
In Name of Miso Noble from Rebecca Noble
In Memory of Lucas W Clark from Sarah Smith
On Behalf of Becca Noble and her Dog Miso from Victoria Noble
In Memory of Leo F. Boucher from Ana Colchado
In Honor of Jasper from Casey Mastay
In Memory of Maxie Bear and Digory Anderson Kochanek from Lou & Sue Kochanek
In Memory of Stanley Filipkowski from Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial
In Memory of Diane Brennan from David Farrell
In Memory of Barney and Audrey Polakowski-Bolster from Mara DeWitte
In Memory of Shaman from Lynn Walker
In Memory of David Drapeau from
In Memory of Cooper from Tara Kuzmeskus
In Memory of Don Couture from Danielle Wilson
In Memory of John Dunphy from Virginia Hamilton
In Memory of Christine McNamara from Gary Gallivan
In Memory of Eric Jenkins from Barbara & Raul Laborde
In Memory of Florence Dorey from Danielle & Allan DiPietro
In Memory of William King from Estate Preservation Law Offices
In Memory of Christine McNamara from Allan Case
In Memory of Patricia Ensom from Linda Perry
In Memory of John Devereux from Oakwood Farm Christmas Barn
In Memory of Angie from Whitney Kusy
In Memory of Mary Morrissey from Elizabeth Copestakes
In Memory of Christine McNamara from Olga Encarnacion
In Memory of Mary Bellizzi from Nancy & Bruce Swett
In Memory of Bonez from Denise Rawls
In Honor of Penny from Deanna Sterner
In Memory of Lyle Benoit from Jennifer Zembo
In Name of Ryan Kirtland from Anne Marie Kirtland
In Honor of Meaghan Fickett from Renee Henry
On Behalf of Sweet Pea aka Louise from Elizabeth Small
In Honor of Scout from Carol Samia
In Honor of Paul from Paul Peraino
In Memory of Sadie-Mae Bird from Laurie DeLuca-Bird
In Memory of Acorn from Eden Walters/Dupont
In Memory of Karen Coakley from Lisa Harned
In Memory of Tucker Ferguson from Cheryl & Robert Cheetham
In Memory of PHOEBE from Sherri Lovely
In Honor of Stephen from Stephen Testori
In Memory of Anne Janey from Wes Irby
In Honor of Simon from Melissa London
In Honor of Bella from Rachel Belcher
In Memory of Zorro and Grandmother from Gr8ness Building’s CEO LifeMentor
In Memory of Callie from Susan Keitz
In Memory of Charlie from Shannon Chapleau
In Memory of Judith A Lesniewski from Paul Lesniewski
In Name of 3 Cats – 1 Braincell from Kyle Pozzetta
In Name of KAYLA-My beloved 12 y/o rescued Pit Bull from Agnes Chang
In Memory of Lily The Puggle from Carrie Arsenault
In Memory of Kathy Roach from Kim Welch
In Honor of Luna, Sky and Max from Anne Midkiff
In Memory of Chloe my beloved dog from Second Chance who lived to be almost 16 from Kelli Kirshtein
In Memory of Onyx, our rescue boy from Amber Fitzwater
In Memory of Scott Brown from Hull Forest Products
In Memory of Eric M. Jenkins from William Murphy
In Memory of Archer and Ruby from Darri Wenning
On Behalf of Oliver Hudson from Kimberly Reed
In Memory of Gunner Sheridan from Karen Sheridan
In Memory of Nia from Camille Chang
In Memory of Lori Deso from Judith Garneau
In Memory of Harrison from Melinda Bechan
In Memory of Sprinkles from Renelle Grajales
In Memory of Roland Amnotte from Laurie Stevenson
In Memory of Roland Namatte from Patricia & David Rice
In Memory of Judy Snyder from Gretchen Emburgh
In Memory of John Devereux from Maria & Daniel Gerrol
In Memory of Bonnie Tatro from Maria & Daniel Gerrol
In Memory of Lori from Janet Carlson
In Memory of Scott H. Brown from Barbara C & Thomas Ingrassia
In Memory of John Devereux from Kathryn Blevens
In Memory of Mario J Polselli from claudene remillard
In Memory of Janet Fleming from Patricia & Daniel Juska
In Memory of Mary Lou Gilmartin from Patricia & Daniel Horgan
In Memory of Meagan Fickett from Carolyn Dibaro
In Memory of Theo Roosevelt Turowsky from Roxanne Turowsky
In Memory of Belle Pratt from Victoria Keenan
In Memory of John Devereux from Teresa Begley
In Memory of Gary Whitney from Albertine Paradise
In Memory of Calvin from Joan Rose
In Memory of Scott Brown from Isaac Seigel
In Memory of Scott Brown from Jennifer Schneider
In Honor of Gregory from Gregory Kochan
In Memory of Stella Mastro from Mary & George Duhamel
In Memory of Sanchez from Nicole Gillis
In Memory of my late cat Missy.We were together for 21 years. from bruce ham
In Memory of Bandit Parra from Rossana Parra
In Memory of Ollie from Laura Fuller-Guha
In Memory of Buttons from Bethanny Allain
In Memory of Mary Lou Gilmartin from Patricia Warnetski
In Memory of Gary Whitney from Leicester Knights of Columbus
In Memory of Beverly Butler from Mary & Bryan Slack
In Memory of William Paul Auger from Sandra Plasse
In Memory of Cooper Kimball from Karen Villani
In Memory of Peanut from Alison Mello
In Memory of Copley from Elaine Abrams
In Honor of Daisy from Thomas/Judy Mills
In Memory of Jonathan from Evelyn Rossi
In Memory of Tucker Ferguson from Jane Gauthier
In Memory of Tucker Ferguson from Darby Warburton
In Memory of Tucker Ferguson from Joyce & Carl Tassinari
In Memory of James Bacon from Fran & Rich Harding
In Honor of Jail Break from Bob/Teresa Surette
In Honor of Merry from Lynne Strid
In Memory of Robert DeJoinville from Lisa Swalec
In Memory of Biggie from Deborah Wilson
In Memory of Ginger from Susan Royston
In Honor of Daisy from Thomas/Judy Mills
In Memory of Moo & Dink from Sallyann Janulevicus
In Memory of Roslyn Styspeck from Beverly & Stanley Soltys
In Memory of Sandy Nichols from Australian Natural Soap
In Memory of Bill Gajewski from Tonna Charitable Trust
In Memory of Lad from Joan Magill
In Memory of Mary Lou Gilmartin from Catherine Dumas
In Memory of Zoey from Lindsay Mann
In Memory of Patricia Dorfer from Jo King
In Memory of Annie & Izzie from Nancy & Matt Mullen
In Memory of Elaine Rynders from Mr & Mrs Michael Boire
In Memory of Buddy Stewart from Carole & David Stewart
In Memory of Butterfly from Walter Handy
In Memory of Thomas from Kellie Musci
In Memory of Sammy from Pauline Butler
In Name of Amy & John Olaes from David DePolo
In Honor of Robin Feldman from Taylor Maldonado
In Name of Nathalie, Zoe & Tye Polakowski from Judith Roscioli
In Memory of Virginia Chew from Lori & James Chew
In Memory of Yoko from Diane Denson
In Memory of Anne Bergeron from Paul & Thomas Beaudry
In Memory of Joyce, Ajay, Odie, Daisy, Lovie, DeeDee and Hunter from Craig Staples
In Memory of George A. Croteau from Frances Levine
In Honor of Romeo Rose from Ben/Lisa Rose
In Memory of Lady Gero from Rhonda Gero
In Memory of Tyler Brown from Jay Irving
In Memory of Tyler Brown from Zara Johnson
In Memory of Tyler Brown from Pamela Evans
In Honor of Madison & Bill Franzen from Rosalyn Franzen
In Memory of Paige Smith from Denise Pigaga
In Memory of Beverly Butler from SUSAN JOHNSON
In Memory of ANTHONY STEFANIKI from Rose Stefanik
In Memory of John Devereux from Marjorie Devereux
In Memory of Fay Sweeney from Janet Jenkins
In Honor of Little Bumby Dobbins from Michael Balian
In Memory of Molly from Danielle Foint
In Memory of Beverly Butler from Roger Butler
In Memory of Marco from Jane Herrion
In Honor of All of the Herrion Pets from Jane Herrion
In Honor of Fritzi from Kathryn Pike
In Memory of Bruce Towner from Natalie Towner
In Honor of Figaro from Kathleen Haggerty
In Memory of Denver from James Dolan
In Honor of Peggy Manca from IC Federal Credit Union & Subsidiary
In Memory of Johnathon Holmes from Lee & Sarah O’Connor
In Memory of Peter Healey from Bethaney Moore

In Memory of Angie from Tracy Mandella
In Name of Mellissa Dowling from Colleen Spelman
In Memory of Dexter from Heather Stewart
In Honor of Madison Thackeray’s Birthday from Francis & Susan Gipe
In Memory of Joel Palmer from Quiet Corner Tax Services LLC
In Honor of Merilyn Bambauer from Derek Bambauer
In Memory of Frank from Laurie Leahy
In Memory of Minnie from Janis Santos
In Honor of Sasha, Angel and Ron McEckron from Roger & Donna Pikul
In Memory of Stretch from Richard & Marcia Haas
In Memory of Gizmo from Amy Farrell
In Memory of Judy Leary from Phyllis Schoenfeld
In Memory of Dublin from Patricia A. Clayton
In Memory of Topaz from Ann Kendall
In Honor of Bella from Davie & Bonnie Gott
In Memory of Elaine Rynders from Jon & Denise Parlier
In Memory of Stanley Filipkowski from Joseph Chakuas
In Memory of Penny from Anne D. Couture
In Memory of Cody Blake from Steven & Carol Blake
In Memory of Axle Rose from Norma Giancaterino
In Memory of Jacqueline Fleming from Pamela Fleming
In Honor of Thunderbolt from Brian & Ines Dwyer
In Memory of Bob St. George from Anthony Fernandes
In Memory of Buster Davies and Maryann Casamassa from Catherine Bowman
In Honor of Ziggy and 5 Bazinet Grandkids from Michele Bazinet
In Memory of Elaine Rynders from Jack & Sandy Rynders
In Memory of Molly from Yvette Thurber
In Honor of Laynee from Jeanne Rainville
In Memory of Casey the Dog from Laura Foley
In Memory of Cindy Poirier from Gloria Ryan
In Memory of Chloe & Mr. Big from Larry & Linda Banas
In Memory of John Devereux from Paul & Lucinda Guerin
In Memory of Phoebe from David Brown
In Memory of Danny Alicata from Maria Alicata
In Memory of Carl Wicklund from Richard & Amelia Koziak
In Memory of Jessie Lynn Devanski from Robert & Elizabeth Bliss
In Honor of Lucky from Jane Donahue
In Honor of Sally from Lori Kuhne
In Honor of Sam & Sophy from Linda/Mark Hoey
In Memory of Karen Sherback from Charles Sherback
In Honor of Hanna from Robert May
In Memory of Teddy from Kristin Conti
In Memory of Gizmo from Ronalie Nichols
In Honor of Lilly Murphy from Marianne Moseley, DVM
In Memory of Frank Latwis from Candace Latwis
In Memory of Rocky & Sam and In Honor of JoJo from Joseph Dufresne
In Memory of Thomas Tuniewicz from Marie Tuniewicz
In Memory of Christmas Memory for Anna Barrett from Anne Brennan
In Memory of Jeffrey Seaman from Dana & Charlene Kennan
In Memory of Josepg & Dorothy Saletnik from Thomas & Kim Gareau
In Memory of Wes from Marcia Dwelly
In Memory of Ginger Chmura from Kathleen Chmura-Fournier
In Honor of Jill Brown & Mike Gleason from Richard & Nancy Curtin
In Memory of your father from Linda LeBlanc
In Honor of Ollie from Tim & Jean Provencher
In Memory of Carol Richards from The John E Wornham Charitable Gift Fund
In Memory of Raggs from David & Rebecca Spanagel
In Memory of Richard Kardas from Gladys Boss
In Memory of Stella Barton from Nancy & Charles French
In Honor of Daisy from Debra & Daniel Annis
In Memory of Sheryl Menard from Robert Begonis
In Honor of Mickey from Marilyn & Leon Bigelow
In Honor of Hershey from Gil and Trudy Rochon
In Memory of Mitzie from Carl & Beatrice Larson
In Memory of Hurley from Nancy Berthiaume
In Honor of Mica from Eric Johnson
In Honor of Cinnamon & Shawn from Julianne Cappe
In Memory of Grace Boos from Alegra Goncalves
In Memory of Bailey, Stanley, Skipper and Bailey from Kenneth Kurowski
In Memory of Grace Sheehan from Sylvia Hanseen
In Memory of Brittany & Honey from Philip & Karin Simoneau
In Memory of Moses from Lorriane Gaucher
In Honor of Mr. P from Diana Seacord
In Memory of Cash and In Honor of Jaxy, Peaches and Daisy from Gloria & Robert Lampron
In Memory of David Charron from Elizabeth Denning
In Memory of Montgomery, June & Cooper from Anthony & Elaine Lengowski
In Memory of Levi from Sherri Gatto
In Memory of Harley from Mona Castonguay
In Memory of Winston from Linda Mangini
In Memory of Motown from Linda Mangini
In Memory of Jake, Misty & Chad from Bob & June Hallberg
In Memory of Linda Taylor & William King from Janet & Charles Burnham
In Memory of Tammy from Joanne Young Sauer
In Memory of Robert Case from Anna Case
In Memory of Sam from Richard & Shirley Bliss
In Memory of Maddie from George & Joan Berry
In Honor of Brian Click celebrating 2 years at W.F. Young! from W.F. Young, Inc.
In Honor of Andy Leebrick celebrating 3 years at W.F. Young! from W.F. Young, Inc.
In Honor of Victor Vides celebrating 9 years at W.F. Young! from W.F. Young, Inc.
In Memory of Donna Filipkowski from Debbie & Allen Erickson
In Memory of JJ Fedyna from Laura Kellogg
In Honor of Champ & Chloe from Rosemary Robidoux
In Memory of Champ from Rosemary Robidoux
In Memory of Stanley Filipkowski from Ann Marie Cravedi
In Memory of Kathy Czechowski from Linda & Scott Horanzy
In Memory of all the cats you have loved for the last 45 years from Anna & Roberta McQuaid
In Memory of John Norton from Claudia Norton
In Memory of Eunice & Patrick White from Paul White
In Memory of Nugget from Nancy Nowak
In Memory of Annette Goodwin from Sandra Goodwin
On Behalf of Wilk Family from Sandra Goodwin
In Memory of Mookie, Freddie and Joey from John Bator
In Honor of Ollie from Rosemary Robidoux
In Memory of Willoughby from Norma & George Wetherell
In Honor of Pearl & Charlie from Susan Finocchio
In Memory of Todd Prescott from Susan Finocchio
In Memory of Bentley from Mike & Diane Daniels
In Memory of Esther Jezerski from Patricia Mertzanis
In Memory of Brittany from Henry & Barbara Deslauriers
In Memory of Sharon Pike from Glenn Tiziani
In Memory of Tessie & David Kelley from Michele Kelley
In Memory of Honey from Josef & Diane Rokus
In Memory of Alice Forrester from Russell, Cheryl, & Nicole Henry
In Honor of Faith Belcher from Roberta Kupiec
In Memory of U-Haul, Smokey and Ray and In Honor of Ben Houson from Richard & Barbara Tarkiainen
In Memory of Mingo from Joyce & Allen Gamache
In Memory of Barbara Englander from Joyce & Allen Gamache
In Honor of O.J. from Vincent & Josephine Gallo
In Memory of Todd MacDonald from John & Janet MacDonald
In Memory of all the cats you have lost over the yeard from Joseph and Elaine Tuson
In Memory of Darrell T. Gibbs from Jerome & Suzanne Gibbs
In Memory of Lucky from Alan Gordon
In Memory of Ron LaPlante from Nancy LaPlante
In Memory of Donald “Bud” Lush from Eileen Lush
In Honor of all your Irish Setters from Carl & Virginia Larson
In Honor of Bowser from Lee & Madeleine Fyrbeck
In Memory of Kevin Lanagan from William & Kathleen Prunier
In Memory of Kiddie, Sam and Pepper from MIchael & Marcia Edick
In Honor of Sam from Joy & Paul Arent
In Honor of Pretty Kitty from Betty Rock
In Memory of Annabelle “Annie” Takorian from Holly & Clay Takorian
In Memory of Jay Faugno from Louise Bouvier
In Memory of Fritzi, Frazer, Heidi & Emmy Love from Brigitte & Donald Paine
In Memory of Norma & Gary Boniface from Linda Misiaszek
In Memory of John Devereux from Fred & Dale Cormier
In Memory of Virginia Chew from Fred & Dale Cormier
In Memory of Benjamin Whittaker from Bonnie & Peter Whittaker
In Honor of Bella from Congetta & Adrian Lessard
In Honor of Lucky from Al & LouAnn Morin
In Memory of Stan Lamerise from Andrea Thurlow
In Memory of Lisa Morgan from Charlotte & Dennis Foley
In Memory of Gracie, Dymond and Sylvester from Richard Morin
In Memory of A.A.A.B from Karen and Stephen Guinee
In Memory of Bella from Patricia & Frederick Wadsworth
In Honor of Jakey & Savannah from Nancy Jones
In Honor of Katy from Carol and Myron Hooker
In Memory of Mr. Shuffie & Benny from Sandra LaChance
In Memory of Esther Carlson & Jake Nawn from Marta Ferreira
In Memory of Sophie Hebert from Margaret & Frederick Georgian
In Honor of your grandogs and grandcat from Doris Scherdell
In Honor of All people who adopt from George & Carla Sanders
In Memory of all your sweet cats from Jane Hurd
In Memory of Bailey, Mystic, Henry and Stella from Ernest & Lori Andre
In Memory of Cutie, Jessie & Freckles and in Honor of Pookie from Donna Smeltzer
In Honor of Stella Trudeau from Barbara McCumber
In Honor of Betty White from Scott & Sharon Corey
In Memory of Mr. Sam from George Campbell
In Memory of IMO Buddy & Niki from Chet & Debra Lemon
In Memory of Ann Sylwanovicz from Joanna & Steven Gallant
In Memory of Linda Amidon from Faith Anker
In Memory of Alex & Dusty from Paul Drapeau
In Memory of Anita Cournoyer from Nola Fantaroni
In Memory of Tigger & Bella from Marilyn & Gerald Fels
In Memory of Ede & Sandy Smith from Harvey & Cecile Smith
In Memory of Marion Pickarski from Caroline & Greg Kuzia
In Memory of Dakota from Norma Silloway
In Honor of Max & Cookie from Marilyn Woodworth
In Honor of Sasha & Ari from Paul & Lucy Convery
In Memory of Boots & Cody from Russell & Celeste Haddad
In Honor of Karin’s birthday and all the chihuahuas she has rescued! from Roberta Leecock
In Memory of Leo, the best cat ever from Michael & Mary Caforio
In Memory of Richard & Marilyn Morin from Valerie Morin
In Memory of Nika from Gina & Francis Wheeler
In Memory of Quincy from LeeAnn Horner Horner
In Memory of Maddie from Theresa & Donald Puza
In Memory of Serena from Stephanie Roy
In Memory of Sully from Susan & Michael Caplette
In Memory of Zoe & Cody from Mary Ellen Chamberlain
In Memory of Percy Jackson and in Honor of Lucy from Emily Soltano
In Honor of Lola and Tedy from Julie Jaskowski
In Memory of Kira from Joy & Robert Mills
In Memory of Scruffy from Joseph & Joyce Tamer
In Memory of Keeper from Karen Lock
In Memory of Lily from LeeAnn Horner Horner
In Honor of Caesar the Wonder Dog from Charles Feula
In Memory of Maggie & Lacy from Carol & Bradford Slater
In Honor of Bean, Brady & Tigger from Dan & Margaret O’Leary
In Memory of Belle from Dorothy Lafratta
In Memory of Belle & Izzy from Dorothy Lafratta
In Memory of Joyce Megarry from Ed Ostrout
In Memory of Audrey and Charles from Debra Britt
In Name of ZB from Rob Peirce

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